There are a lot of reasons hiring out your social media efforts make sense. We will walk you through the top 5 reasons your business would benefit from a professional.
- You don’t have time. Social media is as easy as write, post, and wait for the response, right? Nada. There is actually a lot of science behind how the perfect post should be written, key components on when to add an emoji, how many exclamation marks offend your reader, the time of day, the image or video, should it be video, should it be live, you get the point here. There is a lot of work behind writing, finding or creating images, and coming up with overall strategic content that your audience likes and engages with. With trends, platform changes, and best practices changing as SOON as you get it figured out, it can be overwhelming. Social media managers spend an enormous amount of time learning and keeping up with changes so you don’t have to.
- You have other things to worry about so you don’t have a social presence. As a business owner, you have 15,687 things on your to-do list at any given time. The thing that never seems to make a priority is your social media. Even though you know billions of people are on Facebook every day, and that more people check a business’s Facebook page before their website, you still haven’t been able to get around to creating a presence. No worries! Your social media manager is there. Your social presence success is #1 on their priority list.
- You are doing more bad than good with not knowing how to use the platform correctly. If you are putting your company on Instagram but have no images to share, you aren’t using it correctly. If you have a Twitter account but only have time to tweet once a week, you aren’t being seen. On the flip side, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Just think about that one friend you have on Facebook that shares post after post, clogging up your news feed. If you haven’t unfollowed them by now, you are about ready to, right? What do you think your followers think if you are silent for days or weeks, then all of a sudden when you have the time, you share post after post on things you are catching up on. WRONG. There is a strategic amount of posts and certain key times to post on each social media platform to really make your company known. By not using the platforms correctly, you are actually more likely to lose followers. There is a lot of noise and competition you are up against, so it’s important to know when and how to get in front of your customers to make an impact.
- You know you need social media for your marketing efforts, but you don’t like it, are overwhelmed, or aren’t technology savvy. Hey, it’s okay. There are people out there that love social media (see the last tip). There are a lot of different arguments on why social media isn’t for everyone, but when it comes to running a business page, having a social media presence is crucial in your marketing efforts. Now, social media is not your ONLY marketing effort, you still need to have other channels, but it is definitely a non-negotiable.
- Social Media Managers are passionate about what they do so let them do it. They spend their days learning, implementing, and strategizing social media accounts for all kinds of businesses. This means that reasons 1-4 can easily be remedied by hiring your own social media manager! You don’t need to spend months learning the trade if you don’t have the time, the passion, or the ability to do so. Just like you would hire an accountant to do your business taxes, you should hire a social media manager to create and manage a strong social presence for your business.
If you are interested in a social media audit or to learn more about how Batterson Media can help with social media management, contact us or email abby@battersonmedia.com!